I've updated my Wikidot Extender, which is an extension for users of the Google Chrome browser.
If you already have it installed then you don't need to do anything… it should automatically update the next time you open Google Chrome. If you haven't got it installed and you use Google Chrome, check it out!
The main update was the addition of a link to the Data Forms documentation. I use this extension all the time, and that was a link that I've been missing for a while. I finally got around to adding it in.
Any other suggestions are more than welcome. I'm thinking about making it into a truly wikidot extension — by allowing trusted members of the community to edit what links appear in the pop-up.
I just downloaded and installed Google Chrome for Mac - which only just became available as a stable release - and installed the wikidot installer. I love it - this could come in very handy! I'm not sure if I'm ready to switch from Safari just yet, though.
I have absolutely no experience with these sorts of plugins, so I was wondering how you style the popup? Is it just CSS or something a little bit more complicated?
BMC Creative | RoaringApps | @brycecammo
All Google Chrome extensions use the same type of popup, and some have other notification methods… like a popup from the Windows task bar (not sure how that works on a Mac).
Basically it's just a HTML page with CSS styling for the links - nothing too fancy and pretty easy to do.
An extension that I use regularly, called "Chromed Bird" is a more complicated, dynamic extension for Google Chrome and is a good example to look at if you want to see what an extension can do for you… my Wikidot extension is humble in comparison :P
All extensions can be found here: https://chrome.google.com/extensions?hl=en-GB - If you enter "wikidot" into the search bar mine will come up.
I also suggest typing "Chromed Bird" in there and looking at what should be the first result… it will probably make updating your twitter account for YouReview much easier (when - and if - you switch from Safari that is).
~ Leiger - Wikidot Community Admin - Volunteer
Wikidot: Official Documentation | Wikidot Discord server | NEW: Wikiroo, backup tool (in development)
Oh, and thanks for letting me know it works on the Mac version! :) I forgot to mention that just above. I expected that it would work as it's just HTML as I already told you, but I'm hoping to eventually make it a bit more dynamic (e.g. notification when the development team posts on their blog).
~ Leiger - Wikidot Community Admin - Volunteer
Wikidot: Official Documentation | Wikidot Discord server | NEW: Wikiroo, backup tool (in development)
theres a website named extender.wikidot.com i dont see any updates
Yes, I made that website for the extender a while ago but since decided not to use it and to just post updates here.
Thanks for the reminder - I've now directed people to visit this website instead :)
~ Leiger - Wikidot Community Admin - Volunteer
Wikidot: Official Documentation | Wikidot Discord server | NEW: Wikiroo, backup tool (in development)
why arent there any updates id like to help
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